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CHP Biogas Plant

In a combined heat and power plant (CHP), the generated heat and electricity can be used. Thereby a higher overall efficiency of the power generation plant is achieved.

A distinction is made between current and heat-controlled CHP plants. Depending on the major need, the energy generation is balanced towards one or the other form of energy. The generated heat is in form of hot water transported via isolated pipes and used for heating buildings, for agricultural or industrial purposes.

A common use for these combined heat and power plants are biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas or coal mining gas plants. In this case is the electricity generation in the foreground. Small CHP plants for primary heat supply are used in limited, local residential areas. Large plants are used for large-scale district heating supply, but have higher conduction losses because of a lower overall efficiency.

Highly informative, our sample movie for the installation of heating pipes
The following example is a heating pipe that was installed for a school and now ensures warm classrooms.

Do you have Questions about our Services?

ARCHEA New Energy GmbH
Hoher Kamp 7
31840 Hessisch Oldendorf
Phone +49 (0) 5152 525322

Facts about Virtual Power Plant

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as biomass plants, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, wind farms and solar parks. read more ...
