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Multitalent Biogas

Biogas is an all-rounder under the renewable energies and has the highest efficiency

  • Formation: Through anaerobic digestion of organic matter
  • Main components: CO2 and methane
  • Energy provider: methane
  • Organic matter: energy crops, liquid manure, sludge, etc.

There are plenty of ways of using biogas…

  • Production of electricity by means of combined heat and power units (CHP)
  • Injection to the electrical grid
  • Electricity for the local supply
  • Direct utilisation in the residential building

  • Utilization of the existing waste heat
  • Injection to the district heat
  • Utilization in the biogas production as process heat

Natural gas substitute
  • Biogas conditioning so it achieves natural gas quality
  • Injection to the natural gas grid
  • Utilization of conditioned biogas as fuel for natural gas dedicated vehicles

Do you have Questions about our Services?

ARCHEA New Energy GmbH
Hoher Kamp 7
31840 Hessisch Oldendorf
Phone +49 (0) 5152 525322

Facts about Virtual Power Plant

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as biomass plants, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, wind farms and solar parks. read more ...
