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Sunflower Field
ARCHEA New Energy is represented in Brazil through it's participations in ARCHEA America Latina and by its workers in Pomerode.

The Brazilian market is characterized by the need to be able to build a cheap and simple plant, which is economical due to the savings in the disposal costs and the utilization of the produced energy for the own consumption.

ARCHEA has succeded on that and has currently two plants in operation.

One of these plants is the biogas plant in Pomerode where it is involved through the subsidiary company.

The Brazilian ARCHEA America Latina is also building currently the first plant in Argentina.


ARCHEA  America Latina ltda.
Rua Luiz Abry 454 – Sala 201
CEP 89107-000
Pomerode SC, Brasil
Telephone +55 47 9639-9393

Do you have Questions about our Services?

ARCHEA New Energy GmbH
Hoher Kamp 7
31840 Hessisch Oldendorf
Phone +49 (0) 5152 525322

Facts about Virtual Power Plant

A virtual power plant is a network of decentralized, medium-scale power generating units such as biomass plants, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, wind farms and solar parks. read more ...
